Carnivore (PSMF) Bread


Today I made a slightly varied version of Maria Emmerich’s PSMF bread! You’ve likely seen this bread all over the internet already and admittedly I have tried to make it a few times now without much success. I kept telling myself I wasn’t going to try it again, as I was tired of wasting ingredients on failed bread, but I just couldn’t give up. I’m happy to report today’s slightly modified version was a success! It came out soft, fluffy, and only fell a little. Here are my tweaks:

Added 1 tsp nutritional yeast

Added 1 tsp baking powder

Decreased egg white protein from 1 cup to 1/2 cup

To see the full recipe, visit Maria’s website here, this is her brilliant creation and she deserves the traffic for the recipe:

As Maria and others have recommended, when the bake time was up I left it in the warm oven to cool to help reduce any falling. I live in a humid part of the country as well, as this bread can be challenging with humidity for sure.

Next time, I am going to try a suggestion I saw to bake it at 300 F instead of 325 F as the outer crust is definitely a little darker than I would prefer, but the inside is absolutely perfect this time! My husband even likes it!

Affiliate links below for the products I use related to this recipe (Please note, as an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases which help support the site):


Carnivore (PSMF) Bagels


Carnivore Bread Bowl with Bone Broth Soup