My personal health and wellness journey started in an effort to help myself and my husband lose weight and improve our health. Once we began eating for wellness and improving our nutrition, I became obsessed with just how good I felt! How could all of these aches and pains, digestive issues, and other aspects that I thought were “just part of getting older” suddenly be reversing and improving?! I had to learn more!

I dove in head first, consuming all of the information I could find on nutrition, exercise, wellness, sleep hygiene, movement habits, mindfulness, stress reduction, and more. It was a rabbit hole indeed! From there, I started pursuing professional education in the field and I wanted to find ways to share what I’ve learned with the world! I want everyone to know just how great they can feel, while meeting their weight loss or metabolic goals, eating food they enjoy, and finding ways to move and destress that they actually enjoy and fit into our busy lives.

This is how Eat for Wellness was born, with the idea of bringing health and wellness education to as many people as possible by starting a 501c3 non-profit focused on health and wellness education.

Now we’re hear to share our expertise to help you reach your weight loss, body recomposition, and metabolic health goals.

The Eat for Wellness Approach


Changing the way you eat and life long habits can be challenging. However, I’ve found weight loss to be easy and sustainable when you leverage an approach that doesn’t leave you hungry and embraces eating foods that nourish our bodies’ needs, as well as leave us feeling our best. Likewise, exercise doesn’t need to be miserable - there are so many surprisingly simple ways to incorporate movement into our days and get our bodies moving.

There’s no one approach that works for everyone, so we’ve created various comprehensive wellness programs with online coaching included to walk you through how to apply these strategies to your own life to meet your personal goals. We also have extremely limited one on one coaching available for those who really want a more tailored approach with regular meetings to provide additional guidance on how to best succeed with applying our wellness strategies to their lives.

Certified Primal Health Coach

ISSA Nutrition Certified

Certified Meat Health Mentor